328 Lecture


  • A leading software container platform
  • A set of platform as service product that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in package called containers.
  • A tool designed to easier deploy in docker host and run apps by using containers(from docker images)
  • Allows developer to package up an application with all the dependencies.

OS level virtualization

OS allows one or more isolated user space instances —> containers


Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software. image

Overall picture of the docker workflow


Docker hub —> standard repo / registry

Pros and Cons

Low resources

faster startup

Less traditional


sudo apt update
sudo apt intall docker 

For testing



Verify Installation

Run Docker

docker info
docker ps

Getting started

Create dockerfile

text documetn containing commands to assemble custom docker image

Generate Docker image (docker build)

Execute the Image

Running an instance of the image

  • pull image from docker hub

      docker pull nginx
  • Check images

      docker images
  • Check containers

      docker ps -a
  • Run docker container

      docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx
      docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name mycon01 nginx
  • Check locally running instance


Port Binding

Default docker containers make connections to the outside world but the outside world cannot connect to containers

Attatched and Detached Mode

If you want to see all the output of the container, you can use default attach mode

can’t execute any commands , if terminal is attatched with the container

Press(Ctrl+c ) to exit the container

Detached mode

Can run commands if terminal is detached with container